Experienced Doctors For Varicose Veins Treatment in Coimbatore

Vascular diseases are increasing due to change in lifestyle, food habits, smoking, hypertension and diabetes. Our AIM is “Save the Limbs” from ulcer/amputation/pain. “Mobility is life” Life is mobility.Department of Vascular surgery is dealing with all vascular problem affecting the arteries, veins vascular malformation, lymph edema and diabetic related vascular problems.We also Thrombolyse, Embolectomy, Thrombectomy, angioplasty and Stenting for acute limbs, Threatening Ischemia to prevent amputation of limbs.Bypass surgery, Aorto iliac, Femoral popliteal, Femoro Femoral by pass surgeries for chronic ischemia using vein and vascular grafts for non healing ulcers and painful limbs.

For venous disorders-varicose vein we do ultra sound endovenous laser ablation ultra sound guided Microfoam sclerotherapy, Phelebotamy and perforator ligations short term procedure by 1 to 2 days hospital stay. Department is dealing lymphedema, diabetic foot, vasculitis disease, post phlebitic venous disease swelling ulcer with modern methodology, aortic and peripheral arterial aneurysm repair AU access for haemodialysis. Department is handled by qualified senior vascular surgeon with more than 20yeras of experience in the field.

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Our Specialities in varicose veins treatment

Why Choose KTVR Hospital for Vascular Treatment In Coimbatore